This is an unofficial copy of EJScreen, hosted by the
Public Environmental Data Partners.
We are working on an overhaul, but in the meantime some links and text may incorrectly suggest that this site is affiliated with the US Government.
EJScreen is a screening tool for pre-decisional use only. It can help identify areas
that may warrant additional consideration, analysis, or outreach. It does not provide a basis for
decision-making, but it may help identify
potential areas of EJ concern. Users should keep in mind that screening tools are subject to
substantial uncertainty in their demographic and environmental data, particularly when looking at
small geographic areas. Important caveats
and uncertainties apply to this screening-level information, so it is essential to understand the
limitations on appropriate interpretations and applications of these indicators. Please see EJScreen
documentation for discussion of
these issues before using reports. This screening tool does not provide data on every environmental
impact and demographic factor that may be relevant to a particular location. EJScreen outputs should
be supplemented with additional
information and local knowledge before taking any action to address potential EJ concerns.